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Welcome to the online store (hereinafter the “Site”). Access to and use of the Site are activities governed by these Terms of Use. Access and use of the Site as well as the purchase of products on the Horoya Tele online store presuppose reading, knowledge and acceptance of these Conditions of Use.

The Site is managed by the company itself, company name: Horoya-Tele, Mrs. Martina Jurcova Kourouma, the headquarters is 75 Rue Roger Salengro, 93110 Rosny sous Bois, France, SIRET: 95157956400018
Host of the Site is

You can request any information through our Customer Service. You can access the Customer Service section for information regarding orders and shipments, refunds and returns of products purchased on, website registration form, suggestions and other general information on the services provided by

For any other legal information, consult the General Conditions of Sale, Right of Withdrawal and Confidentiality Policy sections of

The Service Provider may modify or simply update, in whole or in part, these Conditions of Use. Modifications and updates to these Conditions of Use will be notified on the home page of as soon as they are adopted and will come into force as soon as they are published on the website in this section.

We remind you that you will be the one and only responsible for the use of and its contents. Indeed, subject to the hypothesis of fraud or serious misconduct on the part of the Service Provider, the Service Provider cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for use, not in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, of the site or any possible content of said site developed by clients. 

In particular, you will be solely responsible for the communication of information and data that is not correct, false or relating to third parties (without the latter having expressed their consent), but also for any incorrect use of this data.


This information notice on the protection of personal data provides users of this site (hereinafter the “Site”) with a most exhaustive analysis of the processing of personal data which concerns them, as described below, at means of the Site in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 and French legislation on the protection of personal data.

In accordance with current legislation, this information notice on the protection of personal data also indicates:

- the nature of the personal data processed (as defined below)

- the objectives of the treatment and the means used during the treatment

- the identity and contact details of the data processing owner

- contact details of the data protection officer (rpd)

- any third parties taking part in processing activities

- the retention period for personal data

- brief description of the security measures adopted to protect personal data

- the right of the interested party to request from the data controller access to personal data, the modification or deletion of the same or the limitation of the processing which concerns them or to oppose the processing, in addition to the right to portability of user data.

This information notice on the protection of personal data only applies to the Site and does not concern any other website or platform to which the Site may connect.

Users under the age of 14 (fourteen) cannot give consent to the processing of personal data without the authorization of the holder of parental authority.



The sole owner of the processing of data relating to the activities of the Site is HOROYA-TELE, Mrs. Martina Jurcova Kourouma, 75, rue Roger Salengro, 93110 Rosny sous Bois, France, contact:

(the “data controllers”).



The expression “personal data” refers to any information relating to users of the Site, including that which identifies them personally, taken alone or in combination with other information. Personal data is collected automatically by the Site or through various sources: forms, chat, e-mail, applications, devices, social networks and other means.


The Data Controller processes personal data in relation to the following activities:

- management of navigation on the site

The Data Controller collects browsing data (other than specific data within the meaning of the GDPR) by automatic means in order to enable and improve the navigation of the user of the Site.

The processing of personal data allows users to access the Site and fully benefit from its features and services. In addition, browsing data may be used to verify that the Site is functioning properly.

It is unlikely that the browsing data allows the identification of the data subject. However, by their very nature, navigation data can allow the identification of the persons concerned if they are associated with other information. It is unlikely that browsing data will identify the person affected by the data. However, by their nature, navigation data can make it possible to identify interested parties, if they can be associated with other information. The browsing data described above is temporarily saved, in accordance with current legislation.

In this situation, the legal basis for the processing of personal data is the legitimate interest of the data controller.

- order management

During verification, the Site asks users to provide their personal data mainly for the purpose of ensuring order management and complying with current contractual obligations with users (the data processed are, for example, first name, last name , email address, delivery address, etc.).

This personal data is also essential to allow Customer Service to assist customers with any possible requests and any related needs, before or after the sale (for example, on the status of the order or product returns).

Personal data linked to the order will be kept for the period necessary to comply with any contractual, accounting and tax obligations that may exist.

The Data Controller may also monitor the validity of payment tools used by customers to make purchases on the Site (e.g. credit or debit card, etc.) primarily to prevent fraudulent activity or in accordance with the regulations of fight against money laundering. To the extent that this activity is delegated to duly authorized third parties, the Data Controller does not process or archive financial information relating to customers and payment tools.

The absence of transmission/provision of personal data requested during verification will not allow users to place an order on the Site.

In this situation, the legal basis for the processing of personal data is Art. 6, point 1, letter b) of the GDPR (performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party).

On the basis of legitimate interest (art. 6, point 1. letter f) of the GDPR), in order to improve the relationship with customers, the Data Controller will transmit to customers who have made purchases on the site correspondence by email which will offer suggestions, discounts, return requests or other news. Customers can always opt out of receiving email correspondence (for example, by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of each email).

- registration on the site

When users decide to create or register a personal account on the Site, they are asked to provide personal data (e.g. date of birth, etc.). The Site clearly indicates the personal data necessary (or not) to set up a site account.

Users must provide accurate and precise personal data during registration and are invited to keep personal data up to date, by accessing their personal account to be able to make changes, if necessary. Users who choose to active​


On the Site, users can choose to receive newsletters and commercial messages.

The Data Controller always obtains the explicit, free and informed consent of users before sending newsletters and marketing messages to users or, more generally, before undertaking marketing initiatives dedicated to them.

In these cases, in addition to their email address, users may be asked to submit personal data (e.g. country of residence, etc.) to receive personalized marketing messages and newsletters based on their user profile.

Users can easily revoke their consent when receiving a newsletter and commercial messages:

- by accessing their account settings;

- by clicking on the “cancel registration” link in one of these emails

- by contacting our customer service.

In this situation, the legal basis for the processing of personal data is the consent of the data subject to the processing of his or her personal data.



With the user's explicit consent, the newsletter and marketing messages may be adapted to the user's “profile” based on the Personal Information that the Co-Holder of the Processing collects about the user in question. With regard to customers of the Site, it is in the legitimate interest of the Co-Holders of the Processing to process personal data to offer more interesting products, improve the site and personalize the products offered on the Site. The main objective of identification is to offer products, services and initiatives that meet the tastes, purchasing habits and interests of users and customers. Personal data may also be used for remarketing, retargeting or identification purposes by third parties (e.g. social networks). Neither the Site nor the Holder will carry out identification activities on minors. In this situation, the legal basis for the processing of personal data is the consent of the data subject to the processing of their personal data (Art. 6, point 1. letter a) of the GDPR.



The Data Controller transfers customer personal data to the main third party providers, as data controllers (the “Data Controllers”) so that they carry out the operations necessary to fulfill their contractual obligations (for example, delivery of the goods ordered, payments, etc.).

The Data Controller will do its utmost to ensure that all Data Controllers apply the best available procedures to protect personal data and that they do not use this data for purposes other than those defined by the data controllers. Datas.

For example, Data Controllers may share personal data with the following categories of Controllers:

- carriers and postal operators;

- fulfillment centers and warehouses;

- advertising, digital, marketing and social media agencies;

- after-sales service providers;

- payment service providers.

Users can obtain information on the categories of recipients to whom personal data has been or will be transmitted, by sending an e-mail to

The Data Controller is invited to share data with third parties in the strict cases provided for by law and if it is necessary to protect the rights of the Co-Holders of the Processing, related parties, or third parties.

In all cases, the sharing of personal data will be conditional on prior consent for use, except in the case where the processing is consented to on another legal basis.

The Data Controller will not transfer any personal data beyond the European Economic Area (EEA) unless the user (data subject) has explicitly authorized the transfer of personal data beyond the EEA or if the transfer of personal data beyond the EA is permitted by the GDPR based on another legal basis.


The Data Controller will retain personal data for the time necessary to provide users and clients with the requested services or to comply with legal or tax obligations for the minimum period prescribed by law. The Data Controller will immediately delete or anonymize personal data whose retention is not necessary/obligatory according to law. Subject to the right to be forgotten within the limits provided for by current legislation or if the retention of personal data is no longer permitted/provided for by regulation, the maximum period of retention of personal data will be fourteen (14) days. from the last interaction with the site by the data subject.



The Site may publish banners, advertising messages and other connections to third-party websites or platforms. The Data Controller cannot control or be considered responsible for the conduct of these third party websites or platforms with regard to the protection of personal data.



Users/customers (as data subjects) have the right to receive confirmation of the possession of their data by the Data Controller.

In this situation, in accordance with the GDPR, the user, as data subject, also has the right:

1. to be informed about the collection and use of personal data concerning him;

2. to obtain from the data controller confirmation that processing of personal data concerning him or her is in progress or not and, in this case, obtain access to the personal data and related information:

a) the purposes of the processing;

b) the categories of personal data in question;

c) the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have or will be communicated, in particular if the recipients are third countries or international organizations;

d) if possible, the planned retention period of personal data, otherwise the criteria used to define this period;

e) the right of the data subject to request from the data controller the modification or deletion of personal data or the limitation of the processing of data concerning him or her or to object to their processing;

(f) the right to submit a request to a supervisory authority;

3. obtain the modification or addition of imprecise or incomplete personal data; (“the right to be forgotten”);

4. obtain the erasure of their personal data (“the right to be forgotten”)

5. receive in a structured format, commonly used and decipherable by an automatic device, the personal data concerning him provided to a holder of the treatment and the right to transmit these personal data to another holder of the treatment without obstacle by the holder from the processing to which he provided them (“the right to data portability”);

6. under specific conditions, object to the processing of personal data concerning him;

7. object at any time to the use of your personal data for “identification” or “automated decision-making” purposes;

8. revoke consent to the processing of personal data at any time if requested and granted, without prejudice to the legality of the processing prior to the revocation;

9. submit a request to the personal data protection guarantor.

Users can contact the Data Controller at any time and exercise their right to personal data protection at the following email addresses:



Any future modification of this information notice on the Protection of personal data will be published on the Site and, if necessary, notified to users by e-mail. Users are invited to regularly consult this information notice on the Protection of Personal Data to check if any updates or modifications have been made.


Last updated: December 2023


The contents of the Site, such as, for example, works, images, photographs, dialogues, music, sounds and videos, documents, drawings, figures, logos and other materials, whatever their form, published on the Site, including "menus", internet pages, graphics, colors, screens, instruments, characters and design of the website, diagrams, layouts , the methods, the "processes", the functions and the software which are part of the Site (hereinafter and collectively the "Content"), are the property of HOROYA-TELE Mrs. Martina Jurcova Kourouma, company based at 75 Rue Roger Salengro , 93110 Rosny sous Bois, France, SIRET  95157956400018 and are protected by national and international copyright and any other intellectual property rights. You are not authorized to reproduce the content of the Site, distribute it, display it, modify it, create any derivative work from it or exploit it in any form whatsoever, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of HOROYA-TELE Mrs. Martina Jurcova Kourouma if applicable.

HOROYA-TELE Mrs. Martina Jurcova Kourouma has the exclusive right to authorize or prohibit the direct or indirect, temporary or permanent reproduction, in whole or in part, whatever the mode or form, of the Site and its contents. contents. HOROYA-TELE Ms. Martina Jurcova Kourouma has the exclusive right to claim at any time the authorship of any content published on the Site as well as to oppose any use, distortion or other modification of this content.

Any reproduction, publication, distribution, display, modification, creation of any derivative work or exploitation in any form whatsoever of the content must be expressly authorized in writing by HOROYA-TELE Mrs. Martina Jurcova Kourouma at your request and only for legitimate purposes and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.


LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES contains hypertext links (“links”) to other websites which have no relationship with The company does not control or carry out “monitoring” operations on this type of website and their content. The company cannot be held responsible for the contents of these sites and the rules adopted by them concerning your confidentiality as well as the processing of your personal data during browsing operations.

We therefore ask you to pay the greatest attention when you connect to these websites, using the links on and to carefully read their conditions of use and their rules relating to confidentiality. We remind you, in fact, that these Conditions of Use and the Site's Confidentiality Policy do not apply to websites managed by subjects other than the company. provides links to other websites solely to assist its own users in search and navigation and to facilitate internet hypertext connection to other websites. The activation of the links does not imply any recommendation or advice from the Service Provider for access and navigation concerning these websites, nor any guarantee for their contents, services or goods provided by them and sold to internet users.

Anyone wishing to activate links to the home page and/or to other internet pages of which are publicly accessible, is requested to contact the company in our Customer Service section in order to obtain prior agreement. The activation of links to is, where applicable, accepted by the company, free of charge and on a non-exclusive basis. The company has the right to object to the activation of direct links to its own website in the event that the person, who wishes to activate a link to, has adopted practices in the past unfair commercial practices or those not in conformity with the practices of the sector or unfair competitive actions with regard to the company or when the company fears that such behavior could be adopted in the future. In all cases, it is prohibited to activate "deep" hypertext links (such as "deep frames" or "deep links") to or to use "metatags" without prior authorization from the company.


The following General Conditions of Sale govern the offer and sale (as well as the documents below Conditions of Use, Right of Withdrawal and Confidentiality Policy) of products on our website ("" ). Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before ordering any item. By ordering our products, you agree to be bound by these General Conditions. Products purchased on are sold directly to the company HOROYA-TELE Mrs. Martina Jurcova Kourouma, head office 75 Rue Roger Salengro, 93110 Rosny sous Bois, France, SIRET 95157956400018.

You can access the Customer Service section for information regarding orders and shipments, refunds and returns of products purchased on, website registration form, suggestions and other general information on the services provided by

For any other legal information, consult the sections: Conditions of Use, Right of Withdrawal and Confidentiality Policy) on



On, we only offer items bearing the HOROYA brand. These items are produced in France by the same supplier.

The products are handcrafted, the final result may vary from one item to another. The Company works without stock and each part is made to order.



The products are manufactured according to the dimensions specified by the Supplier and which appear on the "Size Guide" page, or according to the Customer's personal measurements (MP size) transmitted via the customer form on the Size Guide page.



Products are made from industrial and artisanal materials. In the event that the materials are unavailable on the market, we will inform you by email quickly. Supplier will then offer a new deadline or an equivalent product or reimbursement for this item.

The offers remain valid as long as they are visible on the Site. We reserve the right, at any time, to withdraw any product for sale on the Site.



The Supplier places products for sale on and carries out its own e-commerce activity exclusively towards end users who are end consumers.

By “end consumer”, we mean any natural person who operates for purposes unrelated to any business or professional activity that may be practiced. If you are not a “final consumer”, we invite you to refrain from entering into commercial transactions on​



To conclude the purchase contract for one or more products on, you must complete the order form in electronic format and send it to the supplier, electronically, following the instructions provided.

The Customer can select as many products as he wishes which will be added to the basket (the “My Basket”). My Basket summarizes the products chosen by the Customer as well as the prices and related costs, information on the essential characteristics of each of the products ordered, the payment methods that you can use to purchase each product and the terms and delivery times of the products. products purchased, shipping and delivery costs. The Customer may freely modify My Basket before confirming their order. Validation constitutes proof of confirmation of the Customer's acceptance of the T&Cs, the products purchased, their price as well as the associated costs. Before proceeding with the purchase of the products, by sending the order form, you is requested to carefully read these General Conditions of Sale

The order form will be archived in our database for the time strictly necessary for the processing and shipping of orders and in accordance with applicable legal deadlines. You can access your order form by consulting the “My orders” section in the My Account section.

Before submitting the order form, you are also asked to detect and correct any data entry errors. The Supplier will be unable to process purchases in the event of insufficient solvency guarantees, incomplete or incorrect orders as well as unavailability of the Products. In the above cases, we will inform you by e-mail of the non-performance of the contract and the non-processing of your order, indicating the reasons. In the event that the products, presented on, are no longer available or on sale at the time of your last access to the site or sending of the order form, the Supplier's duty will be to communicate to you , within fourteen (14) days from the transmission of your order to the Supplier, the possible unavailability of the products ordered. In the event of transfer of the order form and payment of the price for items not available, the Supplier will take the necessary steps to reimburse the amount you have already advanced.

After transmission of your order, the Supplier will send you, by email, a notice of receipt of your order, information relating to the essential characteristics of the product, detailed indication of the price, means of payment, the existence of your right withdrawal and delivery times and costs.

To this end, the Customer formally accepts the use of email for confirmation of the content of his order and to receive his invoice electronically.

All data provided by the customer throughout the placing of the order and the confirmation by the Company of the registration of the order will constitute proof of the transaction.



The prices of the products are indicated in euros, all taxes included, and take into account the value added tax (VAT) in force on the day the order is validated.

The Supplier reserves the right to modify the prices of products sold on the Site at any time and without notice.

The price of the products sold on the Site applicable to the Customer's order is that appearing on the Site at the time of validation and payment of the order by the Customer.

The price of the products sold on the Site does not include shipping costs for the products in the order or any additional costs which will be indicated to the Customer at the latest when paying for the order. Shipping costs vary depending on the delivery address, weight and volume of the items, and are specified as the order is placed, in your shopping cart.

In the event of an order to a country other than mainland France, you are the importer of the product(s) concerned. Customs duties or other local taxes or import duties or state taxes may be payable. The Supplier is not liable for these duties and amounts, they will therefore be your responsibility and will be your responsibility both in terms of declaration and payment to the competent authorities and organizations in your country. We advise you to inquire about these aspects with your local authorities.

Addresses to which the Supplier is unable to deliver will be automatically deleted.​



In accordance with article L211-4 of the Consumer Code

"The seller is required to deliver goods in conformity with the contract and is responsible for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery. He is also responsible for any lack of conformity resulting from the packaging, the assembly instructions or the installation when this was made his responsibility by the contract or was carried out under his responsibility.”

In accordance with article L211-5 of the Consumer Code

“To comply with the contract, the property must:

- be suitable for the use usually expected of a similar good and, where applicable: - correspond to the description given by the seller and possess the qualities that the latter presented to the buyer in the form of a sample or model: - present the qualities that a buyer can legitimately expect in view of the public declarations made by the seller, by the producer or by his representative, in particular in advertising or labeling.

-or present the characteristics defined by mutual agreement between the parties or be suitable for any special use sought by the buyer, brought to the attention of the seller and which the latter has accepted.”

In accordance with article L211-12 of the Consumer Code “The action resulting from the lack of conformity is prescribed two years from the delivery of the good.”



For payment of the amount of the products and costs related to shipping and delivery, you can follow the procedures indicated in your order form.

In case of payment by credit/debit card, financial information (e.g. credit/debit card number or due date) will be transferred, using an encrypted protocol, to our bank which provides services related to remote electronic payment, without third parties being able, under any circumstances, to have access to them. Such information, moreover, will never be used by the Supplier, except to complete the procedures related to your purchase or to issue refunds in the event of a possible return of the products in accordance with the right of withdrawal, or, in the hypothesis where it would be necessary to prevent or report to the competent authorities the occurrence of fraud on the Site. The prices for the purchase of the products and the shipping and delivery costs, as indicated in the Order Form, will be charged to your Account when the purchased items are shipped.



To find out the specific conditions for sending and delivering products, please consult the Customer Service section. We ask you to pay the greatest attention to what is indicated in this section because the indications contained in the Customer Service area are an integral and substantial part of these General Conditions of Sale and, therefore, are considered to be fully recognized by you and accepted at the time of transmission of the order form.

After your order, you will receive a confirmation by email. Apart from accessories, The Supplier works without stock and each part is made to order. Delivery time may vary depending on the number of orders and workload. The maximum delivery time is six weeks from the order date.

Delivery costs are calculated based on the delivery method chosen as well as your delivery address.

Orders are sent by post via Colissimo, by Mondial Relay or by the DPD service. You will receive an email on the day of delivery with the tracking number for your order. Deliveries are made in mainland France and internationally.

The products are delivered at the Customer's expense, to their home or to the address indicated by the Customer during the order process. It is the Customer's responsibility to verify the accuracy of the information mentioned when ordering.

From the time the order is shipped, the average delivery times are as follows:

• 2 to 5 working days by Colissimo for France

• 3 to 18 working days by international Colissimo

• 3 working days in Mondial Relay for France

• 3 to 6 working days in Mondial Relay international Europe

• 2 to 8 working days in DPD for France and internationally


Delivery may, however, be delayed for reasons beyond our control. In this case, we undertake to keep the Customer informed of the situation.

The Customer is informed that the delivery of the products is carried out by Colissimo, Mondial Relay or DPD and consequently authorizes the Supplier to transmit his personal data to Colissimo, Mondial Relay or DPD in order to allow the latter to deliver his order to the delivery person. the address he provided during purchase.

We decline all responsibility in the event of loss, theft, damage or delay in delivery due to errors or disruptions attributable to carriers.



All products sold by the Supplier have a label attached by a single-use seal. We invite you to try the item without removing the label or the corresponding seal because returned products will not be accepted if they do not have one.



As a Customer, you have the right to terminate the contract concluded with the Supplier regarding items purchased on, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, by informing the Supplier in writing within fourteen ( 14) days following receipt of the products purchased on the Site.

You are required to return the products to the Supplier within fourteen (14) working days from the date on which you inform the Supplier of the cancellation, in the same condition in which you received them and at your expense. You also have a legal duty to take reasonable care of the Products while they are in your possession. If you fail to comply with this obligation, we will have a right of action against you for compensation.

To return items

-we invite you to carefully complete the Online Return Form before submitting it to the Supplier within fourteen (14) days following the date of receipt of your order. You are asked to keep a copy of your cancellation notice;

-the products must not have been used, worn, washed or damaged;

-the identification label must always be affixed to the product;

-the products must be returned whole and unused in their original packaging;

-returned products must be returned to the carrier within fourteen (14) days following the date you received them.

If you cancel the contract within fourteen (14) working days, we will make the reimbursement due to you as soon as possible and, in any event, within thirty (30) days following the date of your notice. termination. The Supplier will refund the price of the product excluding shipping costs for the item.



If you are returning an item because of an error on our part or because it is damaged or defective, we will reimburse you for the delivery costs associated with sending the item to you.

You must notify Supplier of an error in the delivered items or of a damaged or defective item within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt. If a product is found to be defective after thirty (30) days, please contact our customer service for further return information. You are required to return the products to the Supplier within fourteen (14) working days from the date you notify the Supplier of the cancellation, in the same condition in which you received them. You also have an obligation to take reasonable care of the Products while they are in your possession.

To return items:

-we invite you to notify us in writing as soon as possible and in any case within thirty (30) business days, by completing and submitting the return authorization request online. You are requested to keep a copy of your cancellation notice;

-the products must not have been used, worn, washed or damaged;

-the product label must still be attached to the product;

-the products must be returned whole and unused.


The Supplier will examine all items returned as damaged or defective and will notify you by email of your refund within a reasonable time. Refunds are generally made as quickly as possible and, in any event, within thirty (30) days of our confirmation by email of a refund for the damaged or defective product. Upon Supplier's approval for damaged or defective items, products returned as damaged or defective will be refunded in full, including delivery charges. If the Supplier finds no defects in the returned items, you will receive a communication informing you that the returned products cannot be accepted and you may decide at that time to receive the items again.

If the recipient of the items indicated in the order form is different from the person who made the payment for these same items, the amount paid for the returned items will be refunded by the Supplier to the person who made the payment.

The value date of the credit will be the same as the value date of the original debit and therefore you cannot incur interest losses.

As a general rule, we will refund any amount received using the same payment method originally used for the purchase.

The Supplier will refund the amount of the items in accordance with the applicable deadline. The Supplier will not be responsible for any delays beyond its control, including for delays caused by the payment method used for the purchase or refund as well as for delays caused by the credit card companies' refund policies or flow.

For payments made by cash on delivery, the amount paid for the returned items will be refunded to the bank account indicated in the return authorization request. Please remember that it is necessary to have a bank account to receive a refund for orders paid at the time of delivery.



The sale of products sold on the Site is subject to French law.

The terms and conditions of sale, as well as the contractual relationship between the Customer and the Supplier, are governed by French legislation. The parties accept the jurisdiction of the courts of Paris for any action brought following or related to these Conditions.

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